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Osteoporosis is a disease that slowly weakens bones until they break easily. People who have a broken bone related to osteoporosis often experience a downward turn in their overall health.

Back and Neck BasicsSee All
 Anatomy of the Spine in Back and Neck Basics
Your backbone, also called the vertebral column, is made up of 33 vertebrae separated by spongy disks. ...more
 Anatomy of the Spine in Back and Neck Basics
Your backbone, also called the vertebral column, is made up of 33 vertebrae separated by spongy disks. ...more
Causes of Back and Neck PainSee All
 Back and Neck Pain in Causes of Back and Neck Pain
Back and neck pain can interfere with your ability to function. Overuse, overweight, and other problems can cause back and neck pain. ...more
 Sciatica in Causes of Back and Neck Pain
Sciatica, also called lumbar radiculopathy, is a pain that starts along your sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body. The pain goes from the back of your pelvis down the back of your thigh. ...more
 Scoliosis in Causes of Back and Neck Pain
A spine affected by scoliosis shows a sideways curvature and a rotation of the vertebrae, giving the appearance that the person is leaning to one side. ...more
 Kyphosis in Causes of Back and Neck Pain
A spine affected by kyphosis has a forward curvature of the back bones (vertebrae) in the upper back area, giving an abnormally rounded or humpback appearance. ...more
Spinal stenosis is a condition in which the spinal canal narrows and pinches the nerves. This results in back and leg pain. ...more
 Neck Pain in Causes of Back and Neck Pain
Your neck is at risk for injury because of its location and range of motion. Neck pain can be caused by injury, age, or inflammatory disorders. ...more
 Torticollis in Causes of Back and Neck Pain
Torticollis is a condition in which the neck is twisted and causes the head to rotate and tilt at an odd angle. The cause of torticollis is unknown, but treatment can help. ...more
 Whiplash Injury in Causes of Back and Neck Pain
Whiplash means your neck was bent forcibly forward and then backward, or vice versa....more
 Back and Neck Pain in Causes of Back and Neck Pain
Back and neck pain can interfere with your ability to function. Overuse, overweight, and other problems can cause back and neck pain. ...more
 Sciatica in Causes of Back and Neck Pain
Sciatica, also called lumbar radiculopathy, is a pain that starts along your sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body. The pain goes from the back of your pelvis down the back of your thigh. ...more
 Scoliosis in Causes of Back and Neck Pain
A spine affected by scoliosis shows a sideways curvature and a rotation of the vertebrae, giving the appearance that the person is leaning to one side. ...more
 Kyphosis in Causes of Back and Neck Pain
A spine affected by kyphosis has a forward curvature of the back bones (vertebrae) in the upper back area, giving an abnormally rounded or humpback appearance. ...more
Spinal stenosis is a condition in which the spinal canal narrows and pinches the nerves. This results in back and leg pain. ...more
 Neck Pain in Causes of Back and Neck Pain
Your neck is at risk for injury because of its location and range of motion. Neck pain can be caused by injury, age, or inflammatory disorders. ...more
 Torticollis in Causes of Back and Neck Pain
Torticollis is a condition in which the neck is twisted and causes the head to rotate and tilt at an odd angle. The cause of torticollis is unknown, but treatment can help. ...more
 Whiplash Injury in Causes of Back and Neck Pain
Whiplash means your neck was bent forcibly forward and then backward, or vice versa....more
Keeping Your Back HealthySee All
Getting regular exercise is an important way to improve your health. Here are some tips to help you create a fitness program that's right for you. ...more
 Smoking Hurts Your Back in Everyday Care
Smoking damages your arteries, and it’s thought that the damaged arteries in the discs and joints in your back may lead to pain and injury. ...more
Something as simple as getting out of bed correctly can help to ease strain on your back and prevent injury. ...more
Bending correctly can help you prevent back strain and injury. Here are some tips for correct bending. ...more
Exercise is good for people of all ages. It helps lower blood pressure, reduces the risks for falls and serious injuries, and slows the body's loss of muscle and bone mass. ...more
Use this lower back rotation to strengthen your back muscles and improve your spine’s flexibility. ...more
Everyday CareBody Mechanics for Back SafetyExercises for Strength and Flexibility
Getting regular exercise is an important way to improve your health. Here are some tips to help you create a fitness program that's right for you. ...more
 Smoking Hurts Your Back in Everyday Care
Smoking damages your arteries, and it’s thought that the damaged arteries in the discs and joints in your back may lead to pain and injury. ...more
Something as simple as getting out of bed correctly can help to ease strain on your back and prevent injury. ...more
Bending correctly can help you prevent back strain and injury. Here are some tips for correct bending. ...more
Exercise is good for people of all ages. It helps lower blood pressure, reduces the risks for falls and serious injuries, and slows the body's loss of muscle and bone mass. ...more
Use this lower back rotation to strengthen your back muscles and improve your spine’s flexibility. ...more
Dealing With Back PainSee All
Your back is important to almost every move you make, but you likely won't realize that until you hurt it. Read on for some tips for back pain relief, and learn how to keep your back strong. ...more
It can sometimes be confusing whether to use heat or cold when treating sore muscles or an injury. Here are facts to keep in mind. ...more
 Chiropractic Medicine in Seeking Help for Back Pain
Chiropractic medicine is based on the link between the spine and how the body functions....more
 Acupuncture in Seeking Help for Back Pain
Acupuncture is the practice of putting thin needles into the skin at certain parts of the body. It's done to ease symptoms linked to many diseases. Read on to learn more. ...more
Self-Care for Back PainSeeking Help for Back Pain
Your back is important to almost every move you make, but you likely won't realize that until you hurt it. Read on for some tips for back pain relief, and learn how to keep your back strong. ...more
It can sometimes be confusing whether to use heat or cold when treating sore muscles or an injury. Here are facts to keep in mind. ...more
 Chiropractic Medicine in Seeking Help for Back Pain
Chiropractic medicine is based on the link between the spine and how the body functions....more
 Acupuncture in Seeking Help for Back Pain
Acupuncture is the practice of putting thin needles into the skin at certain parts of the body. It's done to ease symptoms linked to many diseases. Read on to learn more. ...more
Preventing and Treating Neck PainSee All
Members of your treatment team may include an orthopedic surgeon, a rheumatologist, and a physical therapist. Read on for details. ...more
To help the orthopedist determine your treatment, you'll need a physical exam, a medical history profile, and a description of symptoms. ...more
 Treatment Plans in Preventing and Treating Neck Pain
For most orthopedic disorders and injuries, more than one form of treatment may be appropriate....more
The goal of musculoskeletal rehab is to help you return to the highest level of function and independence possible. ...more
Back and neck pain can interfere with your ability to function. Overuse, overweight, and other problems can cause back and neck pain. ...more
Stingers occur when the shoulder and head go in opposite directions, the head is moved quickly to one side, or the area above the collarbone is hit. ...more
If you have back pain, you're not alone. Read on for a look at what causes back pain, as well as ways to keep your back healthy and keep back pain away. ...more
Lose weight if you need to, quit smoking, and ease the stress in your life. All these steps can keep your back pain-free. ...more
Members of your treatment team may include an orthopedic surgeon, a rheumatologist, and a physical therapist. Read on for details. ...more
To help the orthopedist determine your treatment, you'll need a physical exam, a medical history profile, and a description of symptoms. ...more
 Treatment Plans in Preventing and Treating Neck Pain
For most orthopedic disorders and injuries, more than one form of treatment may be appropriate....more
The goal of musculoskeletal rehab is to help you return to the highest level of function and independence possible. ...more
Back and neck pain can interfere with your ability to function. Overuse, overweight, and other problems can cause back and neck pain. ...more
Stingers occur when the shoulder and head go in opposite directions, the head is moved quickly to one side, or the area above the collarbone is hit. ...more
If you have back pain, you're not alone. Read on for a look at what causes back pain, as well as ways to keep your back healthy and keep back pain away. ...more
Lose weight if you need to, quit smoking, and ease the stress in your life. All these steps can keep your back pain-free. ...more
Back Pain and PregnancySee All
 Back Pain in Pregnancy in Back Pain and Pregnancy
Back pain is common in pregnancy because of your changing body. Here are ideas on what you can do to cope. ...more
 Exercise During Pregnancy in Back Pain and Pregnancy
If you exercised before pregnancy, you can safely continue exercising. If you were inactive or you have medical complications, talk with your healthcare provider before beginning to exercise. ...more
 Work and Pregnancy in Back Pain and Pregnancy
Many women continue working through their pregnancy without any problems. It depends on the type of work they do and their condition. Here's what you need to know. ...more
 Back Pain in Pregnancy in Back Pain and Pregnancy
Back pain is common in pregnancy because of your changing body. Here are ideas on what you can do to cope. ...more
 Exercise During Pregnancy in Back Pain and Pregnancy
If you exercised before pregnancy, you can safely continue exercising. If you were inactive or you have medical complications, talk with your healthcare provider before beginning to exercise. ...more
 Work and Pregnancy in Back Pain and Pregnancy
Many women continue working through their pregnancy without any problems. It depends on the type of work they do and their condition. Here's what you need to know. ...more
Interactive ToolsSee All
 Back Care Quiz
Back pain is a common complaint, but how serious is it? Take this quiz and see how much you know about back care. ...more
 Back Pain Quiz
Answer this one: What position is best for your back when you sleep?...more
 Back Care Quiz
Back pain is a common complaint, but how serious is it? Take this quiz and see how much you know about back care. ...more
 Back Pain Quiz
Answer this one: What position is best for your back when you sleep?...more
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